+1 (956) 300-5558 sales@fakeidndl.com

How To Take A Photo

If you have any questions, you can contact us by email info@fakeidndl.com

Before you purchase your ID, please make sure you do the following.

For the Picture (max 20MB in file size)

  1. Take a picture standing against any white color background.
  2. Wear contrasting clothing (if the background is white, wear dark-colored clothing).
  3. Keep your hair nice and neat (minimize “flyaways”).
  4. Make sure the picture is chest up.
  5. Please send all photos and signatures to info@fakeidndl.com if you cannot submit them on the checkout page.

This will eliminate 99% of the bad photos we receive. For more detailed instructions, please see the infographic below:

For the signature, if you want your own (max 20 MB in file size):

  1. Provide a large signature on a white piece of paper.
  2. Use a black Sharpie or pen.
  3. Scan the signature or take a picture of it with the flash off with good lighting.

* A simple signature will be provided if you choose not to use your own.

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